Windows Server 2012 R2 standard free Training!

Please be inform that we will  be organizing a free computer training as usual. But this month we are taking our studies on an advanced level. 

We will be learning the overview of Windows server 2012 R2 standard. Exclusively from an expert in the field. I called him the I.T god Lawson Ziah. Our invitation is open to those of you that have passion for servers or is studying in this area presently.

Venue: God of Mercy primary school  Wroto-Town
Opposite Total gas station.
Date: June 26, 2016
Time:4:30 Pm- 6:00 Pm
If you may like to be of help towards this cause, please let us know.
T.F.L.Training- windows server R2 2012

T.F.L.Training- windows server R2 2012


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